# This justfile is for the contrbutors of this project, not for the end user. # # Requirements for this justfile: # - Linux distribution # - just (Of course) # - cargo (For the build and tests) set shell := ["/usr/bin/bash", "-c"] JUST_EXECUTABLE := "just -u -f " + justfile() header := "Available tasks:\n" # Get the MSRV from the Cargo.toml msrv := `cat Cargo.toml | grep "rust-version" | sed 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/'` _default: @{{JUST_EXECUTABLE}} --list-heading "{{header}}" --list # Run the CI @ci: && msrv cargo build --all-targets cargo fmt --all -- --check cargo clippy --all-targets -- -D warnings # Check that the current MSRV is correct @msrv: rustup toolchain install {{msrv}} echo "Checking MSRV ({{msrv}})" cargo +{{msrv}} check -q --workspace echo "MSRV is correct" run: docker-compose up -d db RUST_LOG=debug cargo run -p oxidetalis -- --config config.toml # Generate the contributors list from the git log # then add it to the CONTRIBUTORS file contributors: #! /bin/env bash maintainers="- Awiteb \n- Amjad Alsharafi " reviewers=`git log --pretty=format:"%b" | grep -i "Reviewed-by" | sed 's/Reviewed-by: /- /' | sort | uniq` reporters=`git log --pretty=format:"%b" | grep -i "Reported-by" | sed 's/Reported-by: /- /' | sort | uniq` suggesters=`git log --pretty=format:"%b" | grep -i "Suggested-by" | sed 's/Suggested-by: /- /' | sort | uniq` helpers=`git log --pretty=format:"%b" | grep -i "Helped-by" | sed 's/Helped-by: /- /' | sort | uniq` authors=`git log --pretty=format:"- %an <%ae>" | sort | uniq | grep -v "actions"` co_authors=`git log --pretty=format:"%b" | grep -i "Co-authored-by" | sed 's/Co-authored-by: /- /' | sort | uniq` contributors_count=`echo -e "${maintainers}\n${authors}\n${co_authors}\n${reviewers}\n${reporters}\n${suggesters}\n${helpers}" | grep -Ev '^$' | sort | uniq | wc -l` footer="Oxidetalis Homeserver currently has ${contributors_count} contributors!\n\nInterested in becoming a contributor? Read the [CONTRIBUTING.md](CONTRIBUTING.md) file to get started." file="# Contributors\nA heartfelt thank you to all the contributors who have helped make Oxidetalis Homeserver better. Below is a list of the contributors who have played a crucial role in the development and improvement of the Oxidetalis Homeserver.\n\n## Maintainers\nMaintainers are responsible for overseeing the project, keeping it up to date, and ensuring it runs smoothly.\n\n${maintainers}" if [ -n "$authors" ]; then file="${file}\n\n## Code Authors\nCode authors have written the code for the project.\n\n${authors}" fi if [ -n "$co_authors" ]; then file="${file}\n${co_authors}" fi if [ -n "$reviewers" ]; then file="${file}\n\n## Reviewers\nCode reviewers have reviewed the code and provided feedback, suggestions, and improvements.\n\n${reviewers}" fi if [ -n "$reporters" ]; then file="${file}\n\n## Bug Reporters\nBug reporters have identified and reported bugs in the project, helping to improve its quality.\n\n${reporters}" fi if [ -n "$suggesters" ]; then file="${file}\n\n## Feature Suggesters\nFeature suggesters have proposed new features to enhance the project.\n\n${suggesters}" fi if [ -n "$helpers" ]; then file="${file}\n\n## Helpers\nHelpers have contributed in various ways that do not involve writing code, such as providing feedback, suggestions, and improvements.\n\n${helpers}" fi file="${file}\n\n---\n${footer}" echo -e "${file}" | fmt -sw 80 > "CONTRIBUTORS.md" [private] alias r := run