
199 lines
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2024-02-17 20:58:54 +01:00
base_url = ""
default_language = "ar"
theme = "tabi"
author = "عويتب"
description = "المكان الذي اخرج فيه ما يجول في رأسي، وأحاول أن اقدم شيء مفيدة"
title = "~عويتب"
build_search_index = false
compile_sass = true
generate_feed = true
minify_html = false
taxonomies = [{name = "tags", feed = true}]
highlight_code = true
highlight_theme = "css"
render_emoji = true
smart_punctuation = true
# Enable JavaScript theme toggler to allow users to switch between dark/light mode.
# If disabled, your site will only use the theme specified in the `default_theme` variable.
theme_switcher = false
# This setting determines the default theme on load ("light" or "dark").
# To default to the user's OS-level theme, leave it empty or unset.
default_theme = "dark"
# Choose the colourscheme (skin) for the theme. Default is "teal".
# Skin available: blue, lavender, mint, red, sakura, teal, monochrome, lowcontrast_orange, lowcontrast_peach, lowcontrast_pink, indigo_ingot, evangelion
# See them live and learn how to create your own:
# WARNING! "lowcontrast" skins, while aesthetically pleasing, may not provide optimal
# contrast (in light theme) for readability and might not be suitable for all users.
# Furthermore, low contrasting elements will affect your Google Lighthouse rating.
# All other skins have optimal contrast.
skin = "monochrome"
# Set browser theme colour. Can be a single colour or [light, dark].
# Note: Bright colors may be ignored in dark mode.
# More details:
browser_theme_color = "#032c35"
# List additional stylesheets to load site-wide.
# These stylesheets should be located in your site's `static` directory.
# Example: stylesheets = ["extra1.css", "path/extra2.css"]
# You can load a stylesheet for a single post by adding it to the [extra] section of the post's front matter, following this same format.
stylesheets = [
# Show links to previous and next articles at the bottom of posts.
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
show_previous_next_article_links = true
# Invert order of the links to previous and next articles at the bottom of posts.
# By default, next articles are on the left side of the page and previous articles are on the right side.
# To reverse the order (next articles on the right and previous articles on the left), set it to true.
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
invert_previous_next_article_links = true
# Whether the navigation for previous/next article should match the full width of the site (same as the navigation bar at the top) or the article width.
# To match the navigation bar at the top, set it to true.
previous_next_article_links_full_width = false
# Enable a copyright notice for the footer, shown between socials and the "Powered by" text.
# $TITLE will be replaced by the website's title.
# $CURRENT_YEAR will be replaced by the current year.
# $AUTHOR will be replaced by the `author` variable.
# $SEPARATOR will be replaced by the `separator` variable.
# Markdown is supported (links, emphasis, etc).
copyright = "© $CURRENT_YEAR $AUTHOR $SEPARATOR المحتوى الموجود في هذا الموقع متاح بموجب ترخيص [CC BY-SA 4.0]("
# Remote repository for your Zola site.
# Used for `show_remote_changes` and `show_remote_source` (see below).
# Supports GitHub, GitLab, Gitea, and Codeberg.
remote_repository_url = ""
# Set this to "auto" to try and auto-detect the platform based on the repository URL.
# Accepted values are "github", "gitlab", "gitea", and "codeberg".
remote_repository_git_platform = "github"
# Branch in the repo hosting the Zola site.
remote_repository_branch = "master"
# Show a link to the commit history of updated posts, right next to the last updated date.
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
show_remote_changes = true
# Show a link to the repository of the site, right next to the "Powered by Zola & tabi" text.
show_remote_source = true
# Add a "copy" button to codeblocks (loads ~700 bytes of JavaScript).
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
copy_button = true
# Show the reading time of a page.
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
show_reading_time = true
# Adds backlinks to footnotes (loads ~500 bytes of JavaScripts).
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
footnote_backlinks = true
# Enable KaTeX for all posts.
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
katex = false
# Quick navigation buttons.
# Adds "go up" and "go to comments" buttons on the bottom right (hidden for mobile).
# Can be set at page or section levels, following the hierarchy: page > section > config. See:
quick_navigation_buttons = false
# Date format used when listing posts (main page, /blog section, tag posts list…)
# Default is "6th July 2049" in English and "%d %B %Y" in other languages.
long_date_format = "%d %B %Y"
# Date format used for blog posts.
# Default is "6th July 2049" in English and "%-d %B %Y" in other languages.
short_date_format = "%d %B %Y"
# Custom separator used in title tag and posts metadata (between date, time to read, and tags).
separator = "•"
# Use a shorter layout for All tags listing.
# Default: tag_name n post[s]
# Compact: tag_name^n (superscript number)
compact_tags = false
# Invert the order of the site title and page title in the browser tab.
# Example: true => "Blog • ~/tabi", false => "~/tabi • Blog"
invert_title_order = true
# Full path after the base URL required. So if you were to place it in "static" it would be "/favicon.png"
favicon = "/favicon.png"
# Path to the fallback image for social media cards (the image shown when sharing a link on WhatsApp, LinkedIn…).
# Read more:
# Using an image representative of each post is recommended. You can do so by setting this variable in the [extra] section of a post's front matter.
# If a post doesn't have a social media card, the site's default, below, will be used.
social_media_card = "img/social_cards/index.jpg"
menu = [
{name = "blog", url = "blog/"},
{name = "archive", url = "archive/"},
{name = "projects", url = "projects/"},
# Extra menu to show on the footer, below socials section.
footer_menu = [
{url = "about", name = "about", trailing_slash = true},
{url = "pgp", name = "pgp", trailing_slash = true},
# The RSS icon will be shown if (1) it's enabled and (2) the following variable is set to true.
feed_icon = true
# Email address for footer's social section.
# Protect against spambots:
# 1. Use base64 for email (convert at or `printf '' | base64`).
# 2. Or, set 'encode_plaintext_email' to true for auto-encoding (only protects on site, not in public repos).
email = "QXdpdGViQHBtLm1l"
# Decoding requires ~400 bytes of JavaScript. If JS is disabled, the email won't be displayed.
encode_plaintext_email = false # Setting is ignored if email is already encoded.
# The icons available can be found in "social_icons" in the "static" folder
socials = [
{name = "github", url = "", icon = "github"},
{name = "telegram", url = "", icon = "telegram"},
{name = "Bassam", url = "", icon = "mastodon"},
# Custom security headers. What urls should your website be able to connect to?
# You need to specify the CSP and the URLs associated with the directive.
# Useful if you want to load remote content safely (embed YouTube videos, which needs frame-src, for example).
# Default directive is self.
# Default config, allows for https remote images and embedding YouTube and Vimeo content.
# This configuration (along with the right webserver settings) gets an A+ in Mozilla's Observatory:
allowed_domains = [
{directive = "font-src", domains = ["'self'", "data:"]},
{directive = "img-src", domains = ["'self'", "https://*", "data:"]},
{directive = "script-src", domains = ["'self'"]},
{directive = "style-src", domains = ["'self'"]},
{directive = "frame-src", domains = ["", ""]},
# Custom subset of characters for the header.
# If set to true, the `static/custom_subset.css` file will be loaded first.
# This avoids a flashing text issue in Firefox.
# Please see to learn how to create this file.
custom_subset = false
automatic_loading = true
dark_theme = "photon-dark"
enabled_for_all_posts = true
issue_term = "slug"
label = "💬"
lazy_loading = true
light_theme = "github-light"
repo = "TheAwiteb/"