#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail # This script takes a markdown post, crafts the corresponding URL, checks if it's accessible, # takes a screenshot, and saves it to a specified location. # It can update the front matter of the post with the path to the generated image (-u | --update-front-matter option). # It's meant to be used as a pre-commit hook to generate social media cards for Zola sites using the tabi theme. # More details: https://osc.garden/blog/automating-social-media-cards-zola/ function help_function(){ echo "This script automates the creation of social media cards for Zola websites." echo "It takes a Markdown post and saves its live screenshot to a specified location." echo "" echo "IMPORTANT! It needs to be run from the root of the Zola site." echo "" echo "Usage: social-cards-zola [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "Options:" echo " -h, --help Show this help message and exit." echo " -b, --base_url URL The base URL where the Zola site is hosted. Default is" echo " -i, --input INPUT_PATH The relative path to the markdown file of the post/section you want to capture. Should be in the format 'content/blog/post_name.language.md'." echo " -k, --key KEY The front matter key to update. Default is 'social_media_card'." echo " -o, --output_path PATH The directory where the generated image will be saved." echo " -p, --print_output Print the path to the resulting screenshot at the end." echo " -u, --update-front-matter Update or add the 'social_media_card' key in the front matter of the Markdown file." echo echo "Examples:" echo " social-cards-zola --base_url https://example.com --input content/blog/my_post.md --output_path static/img/social_cards" echo " social-cards-zola -u -b -i content/archive/_index.es.md -o static/img" exit 0 } function convert_filename_to_url() { # Remove .md extension. local post_name="${1%.md}" # Remove "content/" prefix. local url="${post_name#content/}" # Extract language code. local lang_code="${url##*.}" if [[ "$lang_code" == "$url" ]]; then lang_code="" # No language code. else lang_code="${lang_code}/" # Add trailing slash. url="${url%.*}" # Remove the language code from the URL. fi # Handle co-located index.md by stripping it and using the directory as the URL. if [[ "$url" == */index ]]; then url="${url%/*}" # Remove the /index suffix. fi # Remove "_index" suffix. if [[ "$url" == *"_index"* ]]; then url="${url%%_index*}" fi # Return the final URL with a single trailing slash. full_url="${lang_code}${url}" echo "${full_url%/}/" } function error_exit() { echo "ERROR: $1" >&2 exit "${2:-1}" } function validate_input_params() { missing_params=() if [[ -z "$base_url" ]]; then missing_params+=("base_url") fi if [[ -z "$input" ]]; then missing_params+=("input") fi if [[ -z "$output_path" ]]; then missing_params+=("output_path") fi if [ ${#missing_params[@]} -ne 0 ]; then error_exit "The following required settings are missing: ${missing_params[*]}. Use -h or --help for usage." fi } function check_dependencies() { for cmd in "curl" "shot-scraper"; do if ! command -v $cmd &> /dev/null; then error_exit "$cmd could not be found. Please install it." fi done } function fetch_status() { local retry_count=0 local max_retries=5 local status while [[ $retry_count -lt $max_retries ]]; do status=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}" "${base_url}${post_url}") if [[ "$status" -eq "200" ]]; then return fi retry_count=$((retry_count + 1)) sleep 2 done error_exit "Post $input is not accessible. Max retries ($max_retries) reached." } function capture_screenshot() { temp_file=$(mktemp /tmp/social-zola.XXXXXX) trap 'rm -f "$temp_file"' EXIT shot-scraper --silent "${base_url}/${post_url}" -w 700 -h 400 --retina --quality 60 -o "$temp_file" } function move_file() { local safe_filename=$(echo "${post_url%/}" | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/_/g') # Create the output directory if it doesn't exist. mkdir -p "$output_path" image_filename="${output_path}/${safe_filename:-index}.jpg" # If the filename is empty, use "index". mv "$temp_file" "$image_filename" || error_exit "Failed to move the file to $image_filename" } function update_front_matter { local md_file_path="$1" local image_output="${2#static/}" # Temporary file for awk processing temp_awk=$(mktemp /tmp/frontmatter.XXXXXX) awk -v card_path="$image_output" ' # Initialize flags for tracking state. BEGIN { in_extra=done=front_matter=extra_exists=0; } # Function to insert the social_media_card path. function insert_card() { print "social_media_card = \"" card_path "\""; done=1; } { # If card has been inserted, simply output remaining lines. if (done) { print; next; } # Toggle front_matter flag at its start, denoted by +++ if (/^\+\+\+/ && front_matter == 0) { front_matter = 1; print "+++"; next; } # Detect [extra] section and set extra_exists flag. if (/^\[extra\]/) { in_extra=1; extra_exists=1; print; next; } # Update existing social_media_card. if (in_extra && /^social_media_card =/) { insert_card(); in_extra=0; next; } # End of front matter or start of new section. if (in_extra && (/^\[[a-zA-Z_-]+\]/ || (/^\+\+\+/ && front_matter == 1))) { insert_card(); # Add the missing social_media_card. in_extra=0; } # Insert missing [extra] section. if (/^\+\+\+/ && front_matter == 1 && in_extra == 0 && extra_exists == 0) { print "\n[extra]"; insert_card(); in_extra=0; front_matter = 0; print "+++"; next; } # Print all other lines as-is. print; }' "$md_file_path" > "$temp_awk" # Move the temporary file back to the original markdown file. mv "$temp_awk" "$md_file_path" } function main() { while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in -h|--help) help_function;; -b|--base_url) base_url="$2" shift 2;; -i|--input) input="$2" shift 2;; -o|--output_path) output_path="$2" shift 2;; -k|--key) front_matter_key="$2" shift 2;; -u|--update-front-matter) update="true" shift 1;; -p|--print_output) print_output="true" shift 1;; *) error_exit "Unknown option: $1";; esac done validate_input_params check_dependencies : "${base_url:=""}" : "${front_matter_key:="social_media_card"}" base_url="${base_url%/}/" # Ensure one trailing slash. post_url="$(convert_filename_to_url "$input")" fetch_status capture_screenshot move_file if [[ "$update" == "true" ]]; then update_front_matter "$input" "$image_filename" fi if [[ "$print_output" == "true" ]]; then echo "$image_filename" fi } main "$@"