If you encounter any issues or bugs while using lprs, please open a new issue on the GitHub repository. When reporting an issue, please provide as much detail as possible, including steps to reproduce the issue and any relevant error messages.
If you have a feature request or an idea for improving lprs, we encourage you to open a new issue on the GitHub repository. Please describe the feature or improvement in detail and provide any relevant context or examples.
All contributions to lprs will go through a code review process. This ensures that the code meets the project's standards and maintains its quality. Please be open to feedback and suggestions from the project maintainers during the code review process.
By contributing to lprs, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the project's [LICENSE](LICENSE) file. This means that you are granting lprs the right to use, modify, and distribute your contributions under the terms of the license. wich is GPL-3.0 License.