# salvo-captcha A captcha middleware for [salvo](salvo.rs) framework. With fully customizable captchas generator, storage, and finders [![salvo-captcha-video](https://i.suar.me/9NjJ1)](https://ibb.co/XVRVMZj)
## Add to your project First, add the following to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] salvo-captcha = "0.2" ``` Or use [`cargo add`] to add the dependency to your `Cargo.toml`: ```sh $ cargo add salvo-captcha ``` ## Usage See the [examples] directory for a complete example. You can also see the implemented generators, storages, and finders in the source code. ## Storage There is a default storage, which is [`MemoryStorage`] it's a simple in-memory storage. You can implement your own storage by implementing the [`CaptchaStorage`] trait. ### Cacache Storage A high-performance, concurrent, content-addressable disk cache. The storage is based on [`cacache-rs`] crate. to use it, you need to enable the `cacache-storage` feature. ```toml [dependencies] salvo-captcha = { version = "0.2", features = ["cacache-storage"] } ``` ## Captcha Finder We provide fully customizable query parameters, form fields, and headers to find the captcha token and the captcha answer. You can implement your own finder by implementing the [`CaptchaFinder`] trait. ## Captcha Generator We provide [`SimpleCaptchaGenerator`] which is a simple captcha generator based on the [`captcha`] crate, you can enable it by enabling the `simple-generator` feature. ```toml [dependencies] salvo-captcha = { version = "0.2", features = ["simple-generator"] } ``` You can implement your own generator by implementing the [`CaptchaGenerator`] trait. ### Captcha name and difficulty In this table, you can see the difference between the difficulties and the name of the captcha. | Name | Easy | Medium | Hard | | :-------------: | :----------------------------------: | :----------------------------------: | :----------------------------------: | | Normal | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/edwBG/s) | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/NJmg0/s) | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/OJK7M/s) | | SlightlyTwisted | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/1JaxG/s) | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/l7zBl/s) | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/qXAlx/s) | | VeryTwisted | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/dO78z/s) | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/PXBwK/s) | ![Simple](https://i.suar.me/8edgE/s) | ## Mirrors - Github () - Codeberg () ### Main Repository - My Git () ## License This project is licensed under the MIT license for more details see [LICENSE] or . [`MemoryStorage`]: https://docs.rs/salvo-captcha/latest/salvo_captcha/struct.MemoryStorage.html [`CaptchaStorage`]: https://docs.rs/salvo-captcha/latest/salvo_captcha/trait.CaptchaStorage.html [`cacache-rs`]: https://github.com/zkat/cacache-rs [`SimpleCaptchaGenerator`]: https://docs.rs/salvo-captcha/latest/salvo_captcha/struct.SimpleCaptchaGenerator.html [`CaptchaGenerator`]: https://docs.rs/salvo-captcha/latest/salvo_captcha/trait.CaptchaGenerator.html [`CaptchaFinder`]: https://docs.rs/salvo-captcha/latest/salvo_captcha/trait.CaptchaFinder.html [examples]: https://git.4rs.nl/awiteb/salvo-captcha/src/branch/master/examples [`captcha`]: https://github.com/daniel-e/captcha [LICENSE]: https://git.4rs.nl/awiteb/salvo-captcha/src/branch/master/LICENSE [`cargo add`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/commands/cargo-add.html